Student B Code

        rm(list = ls())

        # Load data ####

        gas <- gas[!(substr(gas$sampleID, 3, 3) %in% c("b", "c")), ]
        gas$days <- as.numeric(gas$minutesSinceAmendment / (24 * 60))

        # Calculate molar fraction of N15-N2
        RstN <- 0.003678
        R <- ((gas$delN2 / 1000) + 1) * RstN
        gas$N15_MF <- R / (1 + R)

        # Calculate concentration of N15-N14 N2 relative to Argon
        gas$N15_N2_Ar <- (gas$N15_MF * gas$N2Ar) * (40 / 28.014) 

        #mol N15-N2 per mol Ar
        # Function to calculate likelihood of parameters given data ####

        nmle <- function(P, t, y, N15_NO3_O){
          yhat <- N15_NO3_O * (1 - exp(-P[1] * t))
          -sum(dnorm(y, yhat, exp(P[2]), log = T))

        #### Carboy D ####

        # Make vectors for time and N15-N2 observations

        timeD <- (subset(gas, gas$carboy == "D"))$days
        obsD <- subset(gas, gas$carboy == "D")$N15_N2_Ar
        timeD <- timeD[!]
        obsD <- obsD[!]

        # Subtract off N15-N2 initially present in sample and set tracer N15-N2 to 0 at t=0
        obsD <- obsD - obsD[1]

        # Estimate Initial concentration of N15-NO3 relative to Ar

        N15_NO3_O_D <- 40 * (
                              (carboys[carboys$CarboyID == "D",]$EstN15NO3) + 
                              (0.7 * RstN / (1 + RstN))
                            ) / (subset(gas, gas$carboy == "D")$Ar[1])

        # Estimate fraction of labeled nitrate that gets denitrified 

        fracDenD = max(obsD) / N15_NO3_O_D

        # Search for best parameters

        mle.outD <- nlm(f = nmle, p = c(1, 0.01), t = timeD, y = obsD, 
                        N15_NO3_O = N15_NO3_O_D*fracDenD)
        ktotEst <- mle.outD$estimate[1] 
        kuEst <- ktotEst * (1 - fracDenD )
        kDenEst <- ktotEst * fracDenD 

        #per day

        sigmaEst <- exp(mle.outD$estimate[2])

        # Plot model with data

        quartz(width = 4.5, height = 4)
        par(mar = c(3.5, 4, 3, 1))

        predictionTimesD <- seq(0, max(timeD), length.out = 100)
        predictionD <- fracDenD * N15_NO3_O_D * (1 - exp(-ktotEst * predictionTimesD))

        plot(x = predictionTimesD,
             y = predictionD, 
             col = "blue", type = "l", 
             xlab = "" , 
             ylab = "",
             ylim = c(0,0.08),
             main = "Mesocosm D",
             las = 1)
        points(timeD, obsD, pch = 19)
        title(ylab = expression(paste("Tracer "^15, N[2],":Ar")), 
              line = 2.5, font.sub = 2)
        title(xlab = "Time (days)", line = 2,font.sub =2)
        legend("bottomright", legend = c("Modeled", "Measured"), 
               lty = c("solid", NA), col = c("blue", "black"), 
               pch = c(NA, 19))

        # Calculate confidence interval

        # Make matrix of parameter combinations

        numRows <- 1000
        kTotMin <- 2
        kTotMax <- 60

        pMat <- matrix(
                      data = c(seq(kTotMin, kTotMax, length.out = numRows), 
                      rep(log(sigmaEst), times = numRows)),
                      nrow = numRows)

        likelihoods <- apply(X = pMat,
                             MARGIN = 1, 
                             FUN = nmle, 
                             t = timeD, 
                             y = obsD,  
                             N15_NO3_O = fracDenD*(N15_NO3_O_D)

        mlle <- -min(likelihoods)
        mlleIndex <- which.min(likelihoods)
        mlleCI <- mlle - 1.96

        lowerCIBound <- pMat[1:mlleIndex,1][which.min(abs(mlleCI + likelihoods[1:mlleIndex]))]
        upperCIBound <- pMat[mlleIndex:length(likelihoods),1][which.min(abs(mlleCI + likelihoods[mlleIndex:length(likelihoods)]))]

        CI <- c(lowerCIBound, upperCIBound)

        lowerCIBoundkDen <- lowerCIBound * fracDenD
        upperCIBoundkDen <- upperCIBound * fracDenD

        # Plot likelihoods with confidence intervals

        quartz(width = 4.5, height = 4)
        plot(x = seq(kTotMin,kTotMax, length.out = numRows),
             y = -likelihoods,
             type = "l",
             xlab = "ktot (per day)",
             ylab = "log(Likelihood)",
             las = 1)

        abline(v = lowerCIBound, lty = 2, col = "blue")
        abline(v = upperCIBound, lty = 2, col = "blue")

        #### Carboy E ####

        # Make vectors for time and N15-N2 observations

        timeE <- (subset(gas, gas$carboy == "E"))$days
        obsE <- subset(gas, gas$carboy == "E")$N15_N2_Ar
        timeE <- timeE[!]
        obsE <- obsE[!]

        # Subtract off N15-N2 initially present in sample and set tracer N15-N2 to 0 at t=0

        obsE <- obsE - obsE[1]

        # Estimate Initial concentration of N15-NO3 relative to Ar

        N15_NO3_O_E <- 40*((carboys[carboys$CarboyID == "E",]$EstN15NO3) + (0.7*RstN/(1+RstN)))/(subset(gas, gas$carboy == "E")$Ar[1])

        # Estimate fraction of labeled nitrate that gets denitrified 

        fracDenE = max(obsE) / N15_NO3_O_E

        # Search for best parameters

        mle.outE <- nlm(f = nmle, p = c(1, 0.01), t = timeE, y = obsE, 
                        N15_NO3_O = N15_NO3_O_E * fracDenE)

        ktotEst <- mle.outE$estimate[1] 

        #per day

        kuEst <- ktotEst * (1 - fracDenE )
        kDenEst <- ktotEst * fracDenE 

        #per day

        sigmaEst <- exp(mle.outE$estimate[2])

        # Plot model with data

        quartz(width = 4.5, height = 4)
        par(mar = c(3.5, 4, 3, 1))

        predictionTimesE <- seq(0,max(timeE), length.out = 100)
        predictionE <- fracDenE * N15_NO3_O_E * (1 - exp(-ktotEst * predictionTimesE))
        plot(x = predictionTimesE, 
             y = predictionE, 
             col = "blue", type = "l", 
             xlab = "" , 
             ylab = "",
             ylim = c(0,0.08),
             main = "Mesocosm E",
             las = 1)
        points(timeE, obsE, pch = 19)
        title(ylab = expression(paste("Tracer "^15, N[2],":Ar")), 
              line = 2.5, font.sub = 2)
        title(xlab = "Time (days)", line = 2,font.sub =2)
        legend("bottomright", legend = c("Modeled", "Measured"), 
               lty = c("solid", NA), col = c("blue", "black"), 
               pch = c(NA, 19))

        # Calculate confidence interval
        # Make matrix of parameter combinations

        numRows <- 1000
        kTotMin <- 2
        kTotMax <- 10

        pMat <- matrix(data = c(seq(kTotMin, kTotMax, length.out = numRows), 
                                rep(log(sigmaEst), times = numRows)),
                       nrow = numRows)

        likelihoods <- apply(X = pMat, 
                             MARGIN = 1, 
                             FUN = nmle, 
                             t = timeE, 
                             y = obsE, 
                             N15_NO3_O = fracDenE*(N15_NO3_O_E)

        mlle <- -min(likelihoods)
        mlleIndex <- which.min(likelihoods)
        mlleCI <- mlle - 1.96

        lowerCIBound <- pMat[1:mlleIndex,1][which.min(abs(mlleCI + likelihoods[1:mlleIndex]))]

        upperCIBound <- pMat[mlleIndex:length(likelihoods),1][which.min(abs(mlleCI + likelihoods[mlleIndex:length(likelihoods)]))]

        CI <- c(lowerCIBound, upperCIBound)

        lowerCIBoundkDen <- lowerCIBound * fracDenE
        upperCIBoundkDen <- upperCIBound * fracDenE

        # Plot likelihoods with confidence intervals

        quartz(width = 4.5, height = 4)

        plot(x = seq(kTotMin,kTotMax, 
             length.out = numRows),
             y = -likelihoods,
             type = "l",
             xlab = "ktot (per day)",
             ylab = "log(Likelihood)",
             las = 1)
        abline(v = lowerCIBound, lty = 2, col = "blue")
        abline(v = upperCIBound, lty = 2, col = "blue")

        #### Carboy F ####

        # Make vectors for time and N15-N2 observations

        timeF <- (subset(gas, gas$carboy == "F"))$days
        obsF <- subset(gas, gas$carboy == "F")$N15_N2_Ar
        timeF <- timeF[!]
        obsF <- obsF[!]

        # Subtract off N15-N2 initially present in sample and set tracer N15-N2 to 0 at t=0

        obsF <- obsF - obsF[1]

        # Estimate Initial concentration of N15-NO3 relative to Ar

        N15_NO3_O_F <- 40 * (
                              (carboys[carboys$CarboyID == "F",]$EstN15NO3) + 
                              (0.7 * RstN / (1 + RstN))
                              ) / (subset(gas, gas$carboy == "F")$Ar[1])

        # Estimate fraction of labeled nitrate that gets denitrified 

        fracDenF = max(obsF) / N15_NO3_O_F

        # Search for best parameters

        mle.outF <- nlm(f = nmle, p = c(1, 0.01), t = timeF, y = obsF, 
                        N15_NO3_O = N15_NO3_O_F * fracDenF)
        ktotEst <- mle.outF$estimate[1] 

        #per day

        kuEst <- ktotEst * (1 - fracDenF )
        kDenEst <- ktotEst * fracDenF 

        #per day

        sigmaEst <- exp(mle.outE$estimate[2])

        # Plot model with data

        quartz(width = 4.5, height = 4)
        par(mar = c(3.5, 4, 3, 1))

        predictionTimesF <- seq(0, max(timeF), length.out = 100)
        predictionF <- fracDenF * N15_NO3_O_F * (1 - exp(-ktotEst * predictionTimesF))

        plot(x = predictionTimesF, 
             y = predictionF, 
             col = "blue", type = "l", 
             xlab = "" , 
             ylab = "",
             ylim = c(0,0.08),
             main = "Mesocosm F",
             las = 1)
        points(timeF, obsF, pch = 19)
        title(ylab = expression(paste("Tracer "^15, N[2],":Ar")), 
              line = 2.5, font.sub = 2)
        title(xlab = "Time (days)", line = 2,font.sub =2)
        legend("bottomright", legend = c("Modeled", "Measured"), 
               lty = c("solid", NA), col = c("blue", "black"), 
               pch = c(NA, 19))

        # Calculate confidence interval

        # Make matrix of parameter combinations

        numRows <- 1000
        kTotMin <- 2
        kTotMax <- 5

        pMat <- matrix(data = c(seq(kTotMin, kTotMax, length.out = numRows), 
                                rep(log(sigmaEst), times = numRows)),
                       nrow = numRows)

        likelihoods <- apply(X = pMat, 
                             MARGIN = 1, 
                             FUN = nmle, 
                             t = timeF, 
                             y = obsF, 
                             N15_NO3_O = fracDenF*(N15_NO3_O_F)

        mlle <- -min(likelihoods)
        mlleIndex <- which.min(likelihoods)
        mlleCI <- mlle - 1.96

        lowerCIBound <- pMat[1:mlleIndex,1][which.min(abs(mlleCI + likelihoods[1:mlleIndex]))]
        upperCIBound <- pMat[mlleIndex:length(likelihoods),1][which.min(abs(mlleCI + likelihoods[mlleIndex:length(likelihoods)]))]

        CI <- c(lowerCIBound, upperCIBound)

        lowerCIBoundkDen <- lowerCIBound * fracDenF
        upperCIBoundkDen <- upperCIBound * fracDenF

        # Plot likelihoods with confidence intervals

        quartz(width = 4.5, height = 4)

        plot(x = seq(kTotMin,kTotMax, 
             length.out = numRows),
             y = -likelihoods,
             type = "l",
             xlab = "ktot (per day)",
             ylab = "log(Likelihood)",
             las = 1)
        abline(v = lowerCIBound, lty = 2, col = "blue")
        abline(v = upperCIBound, lty = 2, col = "blue")